Monday, May 13, 2013

Finding Olive Oil

Had a nice surprise today! We were low on our much loved Lemon Olive Oil (We have two kinds, one from Red Ridge Olive Farm, and one from Olive Grand) so I drove down to where Olive Grand had been, dreading all the while finding a spot to park, and when none were available, I headed home, thinking I would stop by Red Ridge when I was up north Thursday. To mt delight I saw that Olive Grand had in fact moved to 8th Street in the 100 East block, where Imagine Gallery was! Parking right in front! I bought the lemon olive oil, and as an extra treat, the Chilli Olive Oil. They do such a great job! Due to the lack of parking before, I bought most of their product at The Adventure Center at Gateway, which might as well be called "Made in Lane County" for all the local wines, beers, food, and other products they carry, so now I have two places to buy:)

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